Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Influence Of Thomas Reid In Philosophy And Psychology Philosophy Essay
The Influence Of Thomas Reid In Philosophy And Psychology Philosophy Essay This paper discusses how Thomas Reid was influential in psychology and philosophy. It talks about his works and his common sense philosophy. It discusses direct realism and his philosophical outlook on the theory of knowledge. Reid is also compared with David Hume and his ideas of skepticism. John Locke and Berkeley are also mentioned as influencing Reids philosophy. He rejects Humes arguments and publishes his own book about his own theories based on contradictions to Hume. He also gave lectures at different Universities that he worked at. Some of these lectures appear in his essays that he produces in his retirement. His common sense works show that we can perceive the world accurately through our senses and experiences with people are similar. And his essays talk about the reasoning and ideas that are not metaphysical in the world, but are real. Thomas Reid was a Scottish philosopher during the 18th century whose most famous contributions to the philosophy of intellect are his common sense works, his rational thinking, and his criticisms of fellow British empiricists, particularly Hume. He defended the existence of reasoning powers and influenced many others, including American thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and faculty psychology. Thomas Reid was born on April 26, 1710. His father, Lewis Reid, was a reverend for 58 years, and his mother, Margaret Gregory, lived a shorter life and died when Thomas was 22 in 1732. He came from a long line of intellectuals on both sides of the family that attended college. Reid had an older bother, David, who was five years apart and two younger sisters Isobel and Jane. He grew up in a rural area in a valley in Strachan just outside of Aberdeen on the north-east side of Scotland. This area also was the hometown of Immanuel Kant, who was another local philosophy celebrity during this time period and had a few parallels with Reid (britannica, 2011). Reid started attended a small country school when he was ten years old, then transferred to Aberdeen Grammar School, a higher and more prestigious school, until 1722. He then left to go to Marischal College at age twelve which was a norm in the area and time period. Reids granduncle, James Gregory, graduated college at the age Thomas started (Fraser, 1898). George Turnbull was Reids college philosophy professor for three years, and his influence had a large impact on Reid. Turnbull used much of Berkeleys philosophy in his teachings; this included his version of common sense: Common sense is sufficient to teach those who think of the matter with seriousness and attention all the duties of common life; all our obligations to God and our fellow-men; all that is morally fit and binding (Fraser, 1898). This meant that the spiritual facts of the mind cannot be ignored because of facts seen in the visible world, and what we call matter are only sensible ideas that come from us personally. These teachings influenced indirectly by Berkeley played an important role in Reids life. Thomas Reid studied theology from late 1726 to 1731 as per a requirement for the Church. This is one of the parallels with Kant and Reid; they are both theologically trained. After his completion of theology, Reid found a job as a librarian back at Marischal College in 1733, after his mothers death. Another Kant parallel was that he was a librarian after finishing college, but Kant got à £10 yearly while Reid only got à £9. While a librarian, Reids undergraduate friend and then current Professor of Mathematics at Marischal, Stewart, asked Reid to go him with on a tour of England in 1736. Other than this one particular instance, Reid, like Kant, did not travel far from his home for the rest of his life (Fraser, 1898). After his job as a librarian, Reid was presented the position of pastoral charge of New Machar, a town near Aberdeen, upon his return home. This position was administrator of the church. There was a problem because of rural prejudice, which was influenced by a sermon in early 1737 by Rev. Bisset, which made Reid a victim to attacks and mistreatment when got ordained later that year. Because of this sermon Reid was attacked because he was rural and not from a big city. Those who fought against him would come to change their opinions after his fifteen years there, to where they would have fought for him when he went away (Fraser, 1898) . Thomas got married in 1740, to his cousin Elizabeth, who was his Uncle Dr. George Reids daughter. With her he had six daughters and three sons, and one of the five daughters born in New Machar, died at not even a year old. His wife, in 1746, became critically ill and Reids religious side came out in some of his manuscripts, showing his devotion to god and his wife in his writings. His wife lived through her sickness but Reid eventually outlived everyone except one daughter, including his children. When Thomas Reid was thirty-eight, a paper of his appeared in print called An Essay on Quantity. His 1748 paper revealed the attraction to mathematics that Reid had, using mathematical reasoning with ratios to explain moral philosophy. He argued that genuine ethical inquiry is concerned with a class of facts which are under a higher category, and refuse to submit to geometrical measurement (Fraser, 1898). This recognition of other scientific methods other than mathematics shows a change in thought for this time. Reids most known work in philosophy, however, would come from an almost unnoticed book from London in 1739 by David Hume, who was exactly one year younger than Reid coincidentally. The Treatise of Human Nature by Hume would eventually make headlines in shaping European thought and would give Reid an argument. Hume reasoned that there should be a new system of sciences to prove that there is neither human nature nor science in the world, and that nothing can be true if you cannot logically reason from our senses. He believed that our impressions of our senses was exactly that, impressions which tended to be temporary and perceived differently from person to person, and therefore there cannot be truth since impressions are not universal. He also went on to say that what we call existence is only felt impressions, that time is an illusion, and that the word identity is nothing since a person is nothing more than an idea at the moment. To sum it all up, only current feelings exist in the universe. Reid took this as almost an insult. These ideas degraded our speech and communication to only abstract adjectives, because nouns and verbs dont truly exist. Because of this conclusion, we cannot communicate what doesnt exist because you cant communicate only through adjectives. It was a philosophical suicide that gave us an unknown universe we couldnt trust, because the skeptics at this time were saying that nothing exists, like David Hume. Reid began his own theory from these insults, starting with our senses and focusing on mathematical theory. The foundations of mathematical abstracts are in mathematical axioms, and so the foundations of all concrete reasoning are to be found in the rational constitution of perception through the five senses (Fraser, 1898). Forty years after that, Reid even went on to say that it was Hume that made him realize the faults of the Berkeley system that came from Descartes philosophy. He stated that what George Turnbull taught, gave me [Reid] more unea siness than the want of a material world, and to question its foundation (Reid, 1785). Hume gave Reid an argument and showed him that he should create his own theory. Thomas Reid left New Machar in late 1751, where he became a regent master at Kings College in Aberdeen till 1764. There he gave lectures, and the three-year regent course was still imposed for philosophy. He gave lectures in natural history and physical science one year, mathematics and natural philosophy in another, and finally philosophy of the mind in the third year, where the same students were still under his teachings. So, he had three three-year classes which he taught: 1753-56, 1756-59, 1759-62, plus the first two years when he started. Under some examination of Reids lectures in the Natural Philosophy classes, it was shown that he was very much knowledgeable in physical sciences incorporating laws of motion, astronomy and electricity. Reid also brought changes and reform to the university. Teaching sessions were extended by two months, there was much better organization in Latin classes, and material sciences had to be a prerequisite to psychology and ethics, which was consistent with a mind naturally observing then reflecting upon its observations. He also created the Wise Club at Kings College, which was a small society for philosophical inquiry with his old friend Gregory. This club also influenced later Scottish philosophic literature. The meetings consisted of reading of personal short essays, as well as a question proposed before each meeting for discussion. It was mostly the skeptical theology that Hume talked about that gave the society discussion questions, and Reid went as far as writing If you write no more in morals, politics, and metaphysics, I am afraid we shall be at a loss for subjects in a letter to David Hume (Craig, 1998). Since the start of the Wise Club in 1758 continuing to his last work of the society in 1762, Reid put in many works that would be later seen in his publications two years afterwards. A lot of the work itself dealt with our senses and perception, and he even received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Marichal College in early 1762. By the end 1763, he produced his first book An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense, which was the result of his twenty years in New Machar and Aberdeen. The Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense was an argument against David Hume that allowed Thomas Reid to attain a very important role in the development of philosophy. In his book, he makes an important point about Humes Treatise of Human Nature. Reid argued that if we as humans have no evidence that things exist, then we could never encounter an external object directly, and what we perceive is in our own minds. How can one be sure of the outside realities that differ from ones own sensations? Reid also said, If I allow that my own sensations and ideas are my only possible original data, I cannot from such transitory phantoms infer the real existence of other persons. (Reid, 1764) This is also when Reid encountered Berkeleys theory a dead end for proving other intelligent beings existence. Reid was also later criticized by John Stuart Mill, specifically in his common sense book. Mill said that any appeal to intuition or self-evidence was a cover way of promot ing self-interest (von Dehsen, 1999). He argued further that if only sensations and ideas of the self cannot be broken through, then the self is an illusion and the word self means nothing. The universe is, not sensations that are all personal, but is put into isolated sensations which can be similarly experienced by others, but not the exact same sensations. Reid also found it unreasonable that we do not actually perceive external things and only certain images of them are imprinted in the mind called ideas and impressions. He thought this could only throw out all philosophy, religion, and common sense. These ideas are substitutions of the common reasonable sense, which neither requires nor admits of logical proof. Reid believed there two degrees of reason. The first degree of reason is the five senses to judge of things self-evident (Reid, 1764). The second degree is reasoning, which is able to make conclusions of non-self-evident reasoning from the first degree. Also, truth in judgments of common sense cannot be seen, they are only justified by reasoning and how human nature responds to them. For example, we have the common sense that fire is hot because other people perceive it as hot and it comes through our senses. This is part of nature in human understanding, and is inspiration of God. Reasoning is used to control everything from emotions to appetite, and allows us to live and serve under God. God has excellently fitted our conscience, reason, natural instincts and bodily appetites to the benefit of the species (Yaffe Nichols, 2009). He continued to say that this is what makes up the discoveries in our reasoning of the world and called this the common sense of mankind, and even started the School of Common Sense. When one ignores these innate senses though, another may find them as being crazy. Reid also explained what if Hume found is right, and to not trust our senses: I break my nose against a post that comes in my way, I step into a dirty kennel; and after twenty such wise and rational actions I am taken up and clapped into a madhouse (Reid, 1764). Though people may not know if the senses are correct, everyone assumes they are because they are commonly known and perceived. Our common sense, to Reid, is conscious and varies between persons, time periods, and locations. Reid listed six axioms that came from sensus communis, which was the term he used for common sense. The first is that the thoughts of which I am conscious are thoughts of a being which I call myself, my mind, my person. The second is that those things did really happen that I distinctly remember. The third is that we have some degree of power over our actions, and the determination of our will. the forth is that there is life and intelligence in our fellow men with whom we converse. the fifth is that there is a certain regard due to human testimony in matters of fact, and even to human authority in matters of opinion. and the sixth is that, in the phenomena of nature, what is to be, will probably be like what has been in similar circumstances (Reid, 1785). He concluded in his common sense philosophy four basic principles of knowledge. The first principle was that certain undemonstrable fundamental truths [are] immediately conclusive and absolute and that there are certain truths that are common among people. The second principle was that these truths cannot be subjected to criticism or support from science. The third principle was that philosophy itself comes from self-enlightening truth and anything that contradicts your truth is incorrect. The fourth truth was that our morality is what we use as guidelines in our life to perform our duties in society and we act with what goes with common sense and what we think is right (Reid, 1764). Thomas Reid, before the book was published, wanted David Hume to read some of it. Hume responded with a compliment saying it was deeply philosophical yet written with spirit, and that no one else is able to explain themselves with greater clarity. However he kindly disagreed with the abstract that was sent. Reid wrote back saying that he was only attempting to shine a little light on the subject, But whether I have any success in this attempt or not, I shall always avow myself your disciple in metaphysics (Reid, 1872). He also concluded that he learned more from Hume than everybody else known put together in the subject. Shortly following his book, Reid was offered to be the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow when Adam Smith resigned in 1764. During his time of teaching in Glasgow College, the lectures that he provided would be the precursor of his published Essays of his old age. When 1772 came about, Reid had hardship in his personal life, when two of his older daughters died. When Reid was seventy, he discovered after sixteen years teaching at Glasgow, he found himself growing old. In a letter he wrote to his friend Lord Kames he reported this and turned over the class to his assistant Archibald Arthur so he could continue his philosophical authorship in retirement. After his retirement in 1780, he again found tough times the same year. His eldest son died, and only two years go by only to be heartbroken once again by the death of his last son, which left only one daughter in his family. Reids final works were his Essays, which come in two parts, and were based off his lectures at Glasgow. The first installment was an inquiry of mans intellectual power, while the second came a few years afterward explaining the facts of moral power and the invisible ideas in mans consciousness. In the Essays an advance is made towards a finally ethical interpretation of man and the universe. The Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man was the first Essay to come out, in 1785. It explained our perception through the senses and memory, imagination, and sciences dealing with time frames. It also contained some rebuttal to the abstract reasoning criticism of common sense. He presents direct realism which is the view that our minds are directly connected to the world, and that we experience objects immediately as objects because of our power of perception. This was the opposite thinking of consciousness being formed by adding sensations to our ideas. Reid started with an important part of all this: Human knowledge may be reduced to two general heads, according as it relates to body or to mind; to things material, or to things intellectual (Reid, 1785). Otherwise, we know that there are two worlds, mind and matter. In his essay Reid continued with, The Supreme Being intended, that we should have such knowledge of the material objects that surrounds us, as is necessary in order to our supplying the wants of nature, and avoiding the dangers to which we are constantly exposed; and he has admirably fitted our powers of perception to this purpose. [If] the intelligence we have of external objects were to be got by reasoning only, the greatest part of men would be destitute of it; for the greatest part of men hardly ever learn to reason; and in infancy and childhood no man can reason. Also, he said that God conveys this intelligence of objects in a way we can understand and use the information. The information of the senses is as perfect, and gives as full conviction to the most ignorant, as to the most learned (Reid 1785). This showed that Reid believed that reason could not be the prerequisite to perception and that god gave us the innate ability of perception through the senses to draw conclusions of the universe. Three years after the first set of Essays, he put out the remaining works in 1788, titled Essays on the Active Powers of Man. This concluded the ideas that are not of the physical world including ethics. A man can act from motives that are higher than any that move the lower animals. He sees one course of action as having dignity and value, and another as being base and low; and lower animals cant make such distinctions. Reid explains our higher sensibility as humans and our moral values as a society are means to set us apart from animals. The Essay continues to show that our power, though we cant perceive or be aware of it, is our minds reason. This is where Lockes theory, that we gather ideas our ideas through the senses and/or consciousness, conà ¬Ã¢â¬Å¡icts with the fact that we have a conception or idea of power (Reid 1785). Another point he postulated was that for some things, we have a direct conception, while for others, we only have a relative conception. This can be possibly thought of as we have a direct conception of the third dimension since we live and experience it, but only a relative conception of the fourth. Reids hatred for Atheists and their reasoning in depriving man of all active power is also shown in this work, They join hands with theologians in depreciating human understanding, so that they can lead us into absolute scepticism (Reid, 1785). He also concludes that there cant be an exclusion of our senses, memory, and rational faculties in any further theoretical opinion. Reid discusses his early version of mental faculties as active powers of the mind that influenced ones thoughts and behavior. Also, faculties are innate and work together as one unifying mind, some of which included were attention, judgment, perception, and reason. There were 43 total faculties (Hergenhahn, 2009). Though this was not the actual school of thought that phrenologists believed later, it did however help influence faculty psychology. Thomas Reid died when he was eighty-six, on October 7, 1796 in Glasgow. His most notable ideas for his recognition in the Scottish Enlightenment were direct realism and common sense. His works in metaphysics, epistemology or theory of knowledge, mind, and ethics, would come from the influences of David Hume, Cicero, Locke, and Berkeley. His Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense would bring upon the Scottish School of Common Sense, and his works collectively would later influence those such as Victor Cousin, Alvin Plantinga, and C.S. Peirce. I think he was quite important in the development of psychology. I think personally that rationalism is much more sane and reasonable than what Hume and the empiricists were saying that we cant trust our senses. However, I think its important sometimes to take a step back to take two steps forward and play devils advocate as what the skeptics were saying, otherwise we may not have seen Reid. He talks about the important issue of our senses being accurate and reasonable to trust even if they are slightly wrong. I also liked his essays more in his common sense work just because it explained our reasoning abilities and our ethics, which no one really talked about in that much depth. If we were to believe Hume we could basically say that we are living in a matrix since the only thing real is feelings and ideas in the mind. This is why Reid is important because he explains how objects are actually real and how we communicate about them. He helped influence faculty psychology and phrenolog y which opened up the door for specific areas of the brain such as reasoning, consciousness, and attention.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Julius Caesar - Analyses Of Characters :: essays research papers
Julius Caesar is very much a warrior and he thinks that he is above every one else and that he is more than an ordinary man. As a result he is very arrogant and takes very little notice of the people around him. As far as he is concerned, they are meaningless and not worth his time. He believes he is honourable but really is not. In a way he wants to be trusted and to be a trusted leader of the Roman people but he is very unwilling to do anything to gain trust. Ordinary people have a great deal of respect for Caesar and probably believe that he would be a good, powerful leader who has Romanââ¬â¢s troubles at heart. Caesar probably believes those things as well but he is ruthless and he craves power. He also believes that everybody likes him and that is why heââ¬â¢s surprised when the conspirators approach him. Then he realises that they have seen through his façade and see that he is really an arrogant power-crazy man. Mark Antony is a very honourable soldier who is loyal to anyone in power. He was a great friend to Caesar and thought very highly of him. He is extremely angry at Caesarââ¬â¢s death. He is a very cunning man as can be seen in the second part of the scene and he is able to manipulate people. He cared a lot for Caesar and as a result he grieved a lot when Caesar was killed. Because he was very close to Caesar he wants revenge and, although he can hide it, has a lot of hatred for the conspirators who killed Caesar. At first it seemed that he was so upset that Caesar had died that he would wish to die also. However, later he seems to decide that revenging his death would be a better way. He knows the conspirators only as other Romans, he does not know them as friends and knows very little about them. As a result he may not know about Cassiusââ¬â¢ cunning mind that has already discovered Mark Antonyââ¬â¢s plan for revenge. Cassius is very crafty and tactful. He sees through most people to what they are truly like. He is also very good at manipulating people, much like Mark Antony. He is a friend to Brutus but he took advantage of that friendship to make sure he killed Caesar. Julius Caesar - Analyses Of Characters :: essays research papers Julius Caesar is very much a warrior and he thinks that he is above every one else and that he is more than an ordinary man. As a result he is very arrogant and takes very little notice of the people around him. As far as he is concerned, they are meaningless and not worth his time. He believes he is honourable but really is not. In a way he wants to be trusted and to be a trusted leader of the Roman people but he is very unwilling to do anything to gain trust. Ordinary people have a great deal of respect for Caesar and probably believe that he would be a good, powerful leader who has Romanââ¬â¢s troubles at heart. Caesar probably believes those things as well but he is ruthless and he craves power. He also believes that everybody likes him and that is why heââ¬â¢s surprised when the conspirators approach him. Then he realises that they have seen through his façade and see that he is really an arrogant power-crazy man. Mark Antony is a very honourable soldier who is loyal to anyone in power. He was a great friend to Caesar and thought very highly of him. He is extremely angry at Caesarââ¬â¢s death. He is a very cunning man as can be seen in the second part of the scene and he is able to manipulate people. He cared a lot for Caesar and as a result he grieved a lot when Caesar was killed. Because he was very close to Caesar he wants revenge and, although he can hide it, has a lot of hatred for the conspirators who killed Caesar. At first it seemed that he was so upset that Caesar had died that he would wish to die also. However, later he seems to decide that revenging his death would be a better way. He knows the conspirators only as other Romans, he does not know them as friends and knows very little about them. As a result he may not know about Cassiusââ¬â¢ cunning mind that has already discovered Mark Antonyââ¬â¢s plan for revenge. Cassius is very crafty and tactful. He sees through most people to what they are truly like. He is also very good at manipulating people, much like Mark Antony. He is a friend to Brutus but he took advantage of that friendship to make sure he killed Caesar.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Miss Julie/a Dolls House
2) Miss Julie/ A Dolls house DFK 120 Erene Oberholzer 11045231 Dr. M. Taub 4 September 2012 In this essay two plays, Miss Julie written by August Strindberg, and A Dolls House written by Hendrik Ibsen will be compared and concerns such as gender, identity and class will be contextualized. The section Iââ¬â¢ve chosen to portray realism and other elements concerning these two plays resourced to the last pages of both scripts. As I see the last pages construct the difference between the plays and characters. Both these plays inform a strand of realism, as in the Traditional Western canon.Third world text can be characterized by their degree of immediacy, topicality, mimetic quality, and even social realism (Gugelburger, G. M:1991). Realism: The term Realism introduces a strand of thought and considers the world as not reality but, mere appearance. We have no access to ââ¬Å"realityâ⬠other than through representations. Yet, all representations only show us particular perspectiv es on reality. When people use the term ââ¬Å"realisticâ⬠to describe a film they are saying the film shows them an image of reality that they have come to know.Realism is a constructive construct, produced by reconcilable codes and conventions which change over time. Realism has been constructed to point out existing social reality. Naturalism, on the other hand, conveys a representation that looks sounds and feels like the actual world outside the work of art. Naturalism looks sounds and feels like the things we would expect (Bob Nowlan [sn]: [sp]). Where Ibsen trends more to the line of realism, Strindberg informs naturalism in his writings. For Strindberg ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ naturalism looked for natural conflicts. For him true naturalism meant truth to nature.He was determined to have his plays deal with fundamental truths. Miss Julie contains traces of symbolism, which were born out of the foundation of naturalism. Although many believe that due to the use of symbolic af fects in Miss Julie, the play drifts away from the naturalistic, and more to the realistic. Strindberg used all the elements needed for the development of the plot and the transference of superiority from Julie to Jean. Naturalism does not help for the development of the plot, whereas realism is a structure that reveals real life events and is focused on the people portrayed, as shown in Miss Julie.Strindberg wanted to create dramatic illusion. His audience was to be completely convinced of the reality of the world off stage, and then transported into a sphere of influence. Ibsenââ¬â¢s contribution to realism began when he consciously started to dramatize the forces and frictions of modern life. Ibsen indicates in A Dolls House that he was creating a particular life through Nora. Ibsenââ¬â¢s dialogue of A Dolls House comes of naturally; he wanted the spectator to sit down, listen and look at events that happens in real life.Ibsen wrote mainly about hidden relationships, social conversion and secret fears and anxieties Strindbergââ¬â¢s play was actually written as a response to Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Doll house. Ibsen wrote his plays advocating women, and Strindberg had a contrary view. Hendrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s attitude toward society is evident in his double vision of a secure social position. On the one hand, itââ¬â¢s a defense against attack, on the other; such concerns lead to hypocrisies and superficial values. His play reveals him as far more than a realist (Taylor, J. 972: [sp]). Comparing: My examples of both plays illustrate the elements of gender, identity and class. Both playwrights scripts set the last page out to set everything about the differences of these elements. By the ending we can see the fall (Strindberg) and rising of the woman (Ibsen) in social society that time. Gender, class&identity in A Dolls House: Hendrik Ibsen was known as the father of modern drama as he helped popularize realism. He became an observer of the real human life and informed realism in drama.In 1877 Norwayââ¬â¢s social structure influenced Ibsenââ¬â¢s writings. He wanted to extol freedom and truth in his people. A Dolls House questions the suppressed role of women in that timeââ¬â¢s society and also introduced the woman as having their own goals and own purposes. Torvald reveals many times his prejudice viewpoint on gender roles. He believes his wives duty is to be at home and embarks on her to always appear beautiful. The central conflict in this playwright revolves around Trovaldââ¬â¢s controlling treatment of his wife.The tragedy of this story is not only about a man controlling his wife, but also the ââ¬Å"dehumanizing of the childrenâ⬠(Mahal 2012;476). They are never given a chance to improving their position in the society. Nora, in the beginning of the play, seems to be happy and content whereas she acts out child like qualities. When Torvald walks in Noraââ¬â¢s childlike qualities becomes more transparent. His true character is later revealed when he accuses Nora of forgery and when he tries to disown her. His attitude changes when everything is sorted out, but she walks out of the marriage.Nora is depicted until the end of the play as a ââ¬Å"helpless, mindless foolâ⬠(Mahal 2012: 476). In the end of this story this degrading treatment of Nora by her husband is resolved. This play stresses upon the status of women and how their roles were perceived, as mothers and wives. Nora feels like sheââ¬â¢s been used as doll for her father and her husband, with no depth in their relationships. Nora exits her ââ¬Ëdollââ¬â¢s houseââ¬â¢ with a door slam, emphatically resolving the play with an act of bold self-assertion. A Dollââ¬â¢s house appears to mislead the audience of the characters true colors.Our first impression of Nora is that she is childlike and Torvald is seen as strong. The playââ¬â¢s climax leads to the expose of resolving identity confusion. Nora becomes to be a brave woman and Torvald a sad man. Gender, class&identity in Miss Julie: Strindberg was a Swedish playwright and drew his writings from personal experiences. He failed at three marriages. Circumstances made him a naturalistic writer. He was known as a misogynist and a ââ¬Å"women haterâ⬠. In Miss Julie (1879) he expresses his hatred for the opposite sex.He was forced to write a second ending for the play after much controversy. The play was censored all over Europe as the play was socially offensive to women. The daughter of a count has an affair with a valet, who in turn forces her to commit suicide. Strindberg had an eye for injustice, but only dealt with the problem of womenââ¬â¢s rights as a facet of realism in his plays. Julie suffers an identity crisis and displays her regard for class and gender conventions. She mingles with the servant when a party is thrown.She expresses absurd behavior but on other times she is coy. Jean warns her of her behavior as she was seen as a temptress. She wavers between the high and low class identity, and is in the end confused with her own identity. Julie also identifies herself with both female and male figures. She confesses she has no self she can call her own. The characters in Miss Julie are portrayed through gender, class and ideology. In the end she orders Jean to hypnotize her to commit suicide. The play reveals Julie having no control over her sexual instincts.Once Julie and Jean seduced each other, their lives are changed (Ramandeep Mahal 2012: [sp]) mentions that ââ¬Å"the aristocrat in the social sphere becomes the slave of the valet and the valet becomes the aristocrat in the sexual sphere as Julie lowers herself beyond redemptionâ⬠. Julie is seen as an example of the naturalistic movement. ââ¬Å"The characters are seen as helpless products of hereditary and environment who interact with their minds and bodies, as they would in real lifeâ⬠(Mahal 2012: [sp]). Both playwrights by Ibsen an d Strindberg came of shocking the audience of their time, with the way they portrayed their women characters.Theyââ¬â¢re portrayal of sex and divorce was set off to much controversy (Mahal 2012:475). A Dolls House is considered to be more feminist work, where Strindberg has been seen as ââ¬Å"his arch enemyâ⬠on that point. Ibsen has been seen to deny writing in a feminist point of view; he has said many times that he wrote for the ââ¬Å"everyday manâ⬠. Strindberg tended to emancipate woman. For example when Julie grows conscious about her humiliation she falls to Jeanââ¬â¢s knees. Jean triumphantly stands over her. This also symbolizes the hierarchy of the 1800ââ¬â¢s.These ideas govern the central world of the everyday in the aspect that they inform social hierarchies and show out elements of real happenings people experience everyday. Women were demanded by men, and men were befallen to the beauty of women. In that time of social structure woman belonged in th e kitchen (As Strindbergââ¬â¢s points out in Miss Julie) and they were there to raise the kids and beautify their homes. That was the real world. Some of these conventions still stand today in aspect of class and gender. Resources: Ibsen, H. A. A Dolls House. Gugelburger, G.M. 1991. ââ¬Å"Germainistikâ⬠, the Canon, and Third world literature. Mahal, R. 2012. A comparative study of Portrayal of women in Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Dolls House and Strindbergââ¬â¢s Miss Julie. Available. [o]. Accessed 2 September 2012 www. rspublication,com Lukas, Nowlan, B. An introduction to the problematics of Realism in video, film, and moving image- culture. Available. [o]. Accessed 2 September 2012 www. uwec. edu/ranowlan/realism film_video_moving-imag_culture. html. Taylor, J. C. 1972. Ritual, realism, and revolt: Major traditions in the drama. New York: Schribner.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Youth in Crime Essay - 876 Words
Melanie Requena December 3, 2012 Essay # 5 Stereotyping happens all the time, more than people seem to believe it does. Appearance, location, and race all deal with how people as well as police authority characterize individuals without truly knowing how that person is. Race is one of the biggest factors when it comes to criminalization because of what people see on the media and from what they are told. It usually is the younger generation that are viewed as criminals not only because of where they live and who they associate themselves with, or with what is seen on the media but also because some young people come from a family history of criminals. The issue here is that not all young people are criminals; but when living inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The media is a source of contribution to how society believes that police figures should punish certain races because they believe that a certain race is more of a threat to them and their community than another race. In spite of the media and police authorities determining who are the main race/group of criminals; this does not take away from the other issue that youngsters face. Even though they come from a area of high crime rates, and/or come from the same racial background that is sought out to be a threat to others, a wide group of these youngsters are ones that are not involved in any act of crime, or gang, they go to school, and participate in community programs, but yet are still stereotyped as criminals because of their appearance. According to Rios who interviewed a boy named J.T. he states, Despite actively avoiding delinquency and never being arrested or suspended, J.T. believed that sometimes he was treated worse than his delinquent peers (143). J.T. also told Rios that even though he tried to stay away from trouble, authority figures often implicated him in the deviance and crime that his friends committed, (143). This was a boy who got good grades in school, had a mother who worked hard, who did what she could to discipline him well, and who participated in an afterschool program at the ESYC, but since he had friends who were involved in gangs, or other types of crime he was also seen as guilty. Many young boys try and avoidShow MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Youth Crime Essay2505 Words à |à 11 PagesYouth crime has vastly changed compared to how it was seen 10 years ago, and will likely be much different 10 years from today. Over the years, types of crimes committed by youth have changed, and the overall seriousness of crimes has reduced over time as well (Carrington, 2013). These changes in crime statistics can vastly change how police agencies respond and react to youth crime, and can often be misconstrued to make public feel a state of moral panic. 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